Info: Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a pattern of persistent drug use that leads to drug codependency or addiction. It may be the abuse of legal or illegal substances and symptoms will vary based on the type of drug. 

Commonly abused substances:

  • Alcohol

  • Marijuana

  • Opiates

  • Hallucinogens

  • Inhalants

  • Prescription medicines

  • Methamphetamine

  • Cocaine

Symptoms of drug abuse 

  • Using more or for longer than planned 

  • Cravings

  • Interference with school, work, and home

  • Uncontrollable use

  • Withdrawal symptoms 

  • Developing a tolerance

  • Risky behaviour (ex: fights, driving under the influence)

  • Devoting time and reducing activities for substances

  • Increased mental health problems

A link with mental disorders

Substance abuse and mental health disorders are closely linked. By having a mental health disorder, the person affected will be more likely to try and “escape” using drugs due to negative feelings. Drugs can also trigger mental illnesses, such as depression or schizophrenia, or cause symptoms. 
